Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yay and Nay

Yay that I got to sleep in yesterday because I was tired after the wedding. Nay that I was the only one home and the house felt very empty.

Yay that I was able to see Deb and help her get a few things packed for the new house. Nay again that she is moving (moved).

Yay that Regan finishes work just after 2:00pm so I wasn't home alone. Nay that he has to wake up so early to start work.

Yay that we could just pick up and go to the movie. We went to see Star Trek. Neither of us are big fans of the series, but the movie was pretty good. Nay that Regan dropped a piece of popcorn in his shirt pocket and now has a big grease stain.

Yay that we went to go visit Regan's parents after. We had a nice time visiting and making sure things were taken care of for the next year while they are away. (China) Nay that we stayed till after 9:30 and almost missed talking to the kids at Aunt Leigh's house.

Yay that the kids had a fun Family Home Evening with the cousins. Nay that we couldn't be there with them.

Yay that they are having fun with swimming lessons, rollerblading, skateboarding and bike riding. Nay that they can't have the same freedom at home in the city as they do in a small town.

Yay that we were able to go straight to bed after we talked to the kids. Regan was especially tired from not getting to sleep in after the wedding. Nay that we forgot to eat supper! (Or maybe that is a Yay! lol)

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that wd40 takes out grease stains. I haven't tried it yet, but there is a huge list on the website of useful things to do with it...
