Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Times

It was so nice to have my children home for the weekend. We were able to get so much done while they were here. We got ALL the back to school shopping done! YEAH!! It was nice to just even have them in the car while we did some errands. It's funny how you can miss the little things that people do. We got to spend some family time together as well, ordering Chinese food, watching movies, popping popcorn, walking to church together...etc. They are now back at my sister's house for the remainder of the week to finish off their swimming lessons. Which they are both doing super good in! Yay for swimming lessons in small towns with smaller class sizes.

Yesterday was the first time at our ward (church) in over a month. It felt almost awkward being there. In such a young, transient ward so much changes in a short period of time. There were tons of new faces and new babies and even new pregnancies. It was also my first Sunday without my partner in crime. Have you ever found a friend that just really gets you and supports you and helps give you a reason to keep going. I would like to say everything will be fine, but as I looked around the chapel I couldn't help feel this overwhelming sadness and longing to be anywhere else. I struggled to hold back the tears. I feel like someone just took one of my life lines . I think a few people may have recognized that insecurity as a couple of them came to talk to me. Either that or they were avoiding going to class and came to the library to hide! LOL Either way I'll take it!

Regan and I had a wedding to go to last night. We have never been to a wedding on a Sunday before. It was a Jewish wedding and apparently they don't have their weddings till after 5:00 on Sundays. It was really beautiful and neat to see the traditions of a different faith. In this case not only was the bride Jewish but the groom was from Nigeria so there was lots of different traditions. It almost made me wish I had incorporated some of there traditions into my wedding. I want to be lifted up a chair around the room and have money thrown at me while I dance!

It was alot of fun and they played great music to dance to after. Me and my co-workers danced till almost midnight, till our feet gave out on us. I had just bought new heels and were wearing them for the dance. My feet were killing me, but they sure looked cute! lol

We got home around midnight. Regan still had to get up at 4:30 for work this morning, so I feel bad for him. Thanx babe for letting me stay so long :)

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