Thursday, September 10, 2009

Will and Deb's Wedding

Things have been crazy busy this last weekend. My brother Will and Deb got married on the Monday. I had guests arriving on the Friday and some stayed until Tuesday morning. Things were crazy around my house with feeding 21 guests for Sunday dinner, but if was alot of fun to have the family all together.

My job for the wedding day was the bride. I was asked to keep her calm, keep her dancing and mostly do her hair. No pressure! Everything worked out great. She looked absolutely beautiful and Will didn't look half bad either.

The kids were very excited and they all looked amazing. My sister Leigh did the 3 little bridesmaids hair. She did a beautiful job and the girls were very co-operative. Even Mimi kept her rollers in overnight!

It was a great start to the union of their two families. Congrats to them all!


  1. Everything and everyone looks so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the photos.


  2. :)
    You did a FANTASTIC job, says the bride herself!

    Seriously, my hair--- I was so excited about it, and you pulled it off exactly! (VL). HONESTLY, having you as a best friend AND sister is killing two AWESOME birds with one stoner. I mean, stone! ;)
