Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To "internet" or not to "internet" That is the question

Regan and I ran into a friend the other day. We have known for a while that something was going on with him but didn't know "too" much about the situation. While we talked with him for a bit he expressed his concern for his marriage and his future. He then brought up a point that Regan and I have been debating about for a while. His quote was "if I could go back in time to prevent where my life is now, I would never have allowed the internet in my home."


What an interesting point. In recent weeks I have had the unfortunate event of helping a friend learn how to check the history on a computer. What we found was disappointing to say the least. Even today while I had to "re-show" this friend how to check the history, we found out more info that we didn't want to know. The information was about person that has been married for just over 3 years and is currently active on a dating profile and searching for "hot singles" in the area.

Does anonymity give us too much freedom and not enough accountability? Do people really think their actions will not lead to further complications? Do we really need to have "instant" information at our finger tips? I know there is a lot of good things on the internet. I myself would be very frustrated and lost without my online banking. However, at what point does the bad out way the good?

So dear readers (lol- all 5 of you) what do you think? Is the internet in your home worth the risk? Can you really have control of yourself at all times? Can you be accountable for your actions even if they are anonymous?

and yes... I do realize that I am blogging this on the internet. The irony is not lost on me :)


  1. I found your blog thru daisyhalos and have to say I agree that sometimes the good is not worth it when it's used for bad.
    Just wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to check the history? Or how to find out how to do that?

  2. You can only be responsible for yourself. And i think we often forget that every choice has a consequence...

  3. Dear anon,
    I would love to explain it but unfortunately my kids read my blog and I can't reveal my secrets. Sorry
