Monday, July 27, 2009

Vacation Time

We are into into day three of our holiday to Fairmont, B.C. It is so beautiful here. We got here late Friday night, so our first real day was on Saturday. It was a hot day so the 4 of us went and checked out the new outdoor swimming pool. We just sat around and relaxed. It was what I needed and it was a good reminder as to why we bought the time share in the first place. My parents came out and joined us that night. It didn't take mom and I very long to settle in and start playing cards! I must have been tired, cuz I think she won! ;) I did seem to redeem myself though playing games later with the four adults. hehe- I know they will read this and I had to throw that in!!

Sunday morning the six of us headed off to church. It seems strange to admit that I actually like visiting different wards when we are on vacation. Everytime we do we always seem to run into someone we know or some kind of a connection with someone. Even on our honeymoon in Mexico we still ran into people we knew. It has become quite a funny game for us. "Guess who's going to be at church?" We ended off the night over at the hotsprings. It was so relaxing. Babbling Brook spent most of the time over at the diving boards. It was quite fun to listen to all the people who had gathered around to watch her. Secretly she loves the attention. All the ooh's and ahh's! The reality check for me was when a few cute young boys starting talking to her. I probably should have been worried, but it was kind of cute to watch and see my baby girl growing up.

My brother Will showed up very late that night with his 4 kids. He got here around 11:30 which made things a little tough for me and my kids as they wanted to stay up to see them. Babbling Brook had even set up beds for his two girls to come over into our unit to sleep. They all brought up a load of clothes and the girls went into our unit to get ready for bed and the boys headed to grandma and grandpa's unit right beside ours. Will left to go talk to his fiance' get his shoes from the van and I put his girls to bed. Admittedly it was a rough night for me. I finally snapped at 1:00 am yelling at the girls to go to sleep after several attempts at being nice about it. J-Bear had already crawled into our room and fell asleep on the floor because they were so noisy. They girls continued until after 1:30 and wouldn't you know it they were awake at 7:00 am! You can imagine how fun they were today!! Babbling Brook and *Grace went to an archery class with grandpa today that was fun. Their tiredness didn't really hit until lunch time. Thankfully the two of them had a nap while grandma, *Em and I were at Yoga.

Who needs Yoga on vacation?? ME!! It was great. Maybe it was the fact of no kids around. Or maybe it was that grandma and Em were trying it for the first time. Or maybe it was the way the male instructor kept saying exhale. Em and I laughed about it afterwards while we relaxed in the pool. Ahhh... we felt like beautiful butterflies- so relaxed! LOL

The boys all are out golfing at the moment- although I am not sure how because there is quite the thunderstorm outside right now. Me and the girls all went to get a few groceries and when we came back I had a nap while grandma played cards with them. It was only for an hour, but I sure needed it after last night! The girls are now watching a girlie movie and grandma went to bed. (She says the yoga took alot out of her) So I get a moment to blog and reflect on our holiday. Yeah!

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