Sunday, July 5, 2009


What a great day to be dedicated. Today was our first Sunday in our new church. What a joy it is to be able to walk to church again. It was fun to see so many of our congregation walking in excitement to the new building. There were 3 wards in attendance today and I am greatful for a wonderful hubby who went early and reserved spots for us and for Deb and *Will.

When church was over we decided to go look at some new show homes over in Mohagany and in Auburn Bay. We found several different floor plans that we liked, if only we liked the price tag that came with them!

My brother Will came over later to hang out and talk about a few things. It is exciting to watch his own "dedication" of sorts start to play out. (more info to follow on that at a later date)

When Will left, Regan and I made rootbeer floats for the kids and watched the movie Barnyard.

It's one of those movies for us that every time we watch it we still crack up laughing. I feel blessed to be able to have these moments with my family.


  1. Wow! Your new chapel is done? That is very cool. We can walk to church, if I was awake enough to go...
