Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just hanging

I haven't felt like blogging much lately. I have had this whole week off of work and really have no excuse why I couldn't blog. After my last post I have since made an appointment for Regan to go get his moles checked. Our doctor is out of town for a few weeks so we get to wait a bit. Plus of course being the in the Canadian Medical system we'll probably wait another 6 months or so to get him into a specialist to really evaluate them.

We haven't heard anything new on Regan's cousin. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

My daughter had another cross country race last week. (the second and final one of the year) and she came in 3rd again. She wasn't feeling very well as they got their immunizations at school that day. So she was thrilled to come in 3rd place. The field we were at for the run was an off leash dog park. There were HUGE dogs running around! It was all I could do to not have Regan run beside her the whole time to keep any dogs away. LOL Unfortunately if any of you know my husband and a dog did come after them, I think he would run faster than our daughter! haha he's going to hurt me for that one!

It really sucks to have a whole week off and nobody to spend time with. :( I know- poor me! But really. My kids are at school, Regan has to work, my friends all seem to move away. You can only clean the house so much before you get discouraged and bored. That's where I am at. Completely unmotivated. I even made a list of things to do today so that some things would actually get done. I wonder if I will get to the list! lol

Somebody please motivate me....


  1. I wish you could come to my house - I know I could keep you busy organizing for me!! And I have a baby for you to hold now especially before she really gets to big - she is growing so fast! She will be 5 months old already on Saturday. Any plans for Thanksgiving?

    Heather G

  2. i feel the whole unmotivated feeling. i feel it often.
    cheer had a week off of work to do whatever it was. even if it was nothing. sometimes that's not a bad thing.
