Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two Steps Back

Ever have one of those days like you were going further back than ahead! That was my day today. I can't even blame work because that part was actually the easiest part of my day. Tuesday and Thursday are mine and Regan's busiest days. It is our days to go to the gym. However since our ward split in January, Tuesday is also the day that Babbling Brook has activity days and J-Bear has cubs. It wasn't so bad when Regan had to go get the kids from school and take them back downtown to the gym but now that it is summer he has to get them from the babysitters house 20 minutes further away. I am very greatful for a babysitter and good friend who was able to take Babbling Brook longer at her house, take her to activity days AND bring her home! I am also VERY greatful for the cub leader forgetting to inform me that cubs was going to be finished for the summer as of LAST week. So here I am racing around and making arrangements to get J-Bear to cubs and an extra hour of driving and sitting outside the church in the hot sun for no reason just seemed to make things that much better .

As frustrating as that was it wasn't the part that made my day that much harder. Almost 2 months ago I was simply running up a few stairs to go tuck my daughter into bed and twisted my knee and dislocated my knee cap. It wasn't even something cool like heli-skiing or barefooting, it was simply 3 stairs. So after weeks of physio and taping and bandaging and icing I have been able to start functioning a little more normal. Until tonight. I started going back to my class at the gym last week and did ok so I tried again tonight. UH... not a good idea apparently! I made it 10 minutes into the class and had to leave. I was able to hobble out of there as descreetly as I could. I guess I should be greatful that Regan didn't have to carry me out of the gym (Again!) But it was still very discouraging none the less. Just when it started to feel better ...

These are the days I look forward to chocolate!


  1. sounds like you need a vacation!!!! I know where you can go!
    Seriously, I hope you feel better!

  2. Chocolate ... hhmmmm. It tells you that it loves you ... and then it hits you with 5 pounds!

    So deceitful ... and yet, so calming ;)

    Sorry you had such an awful day :( *loves*

    love Shelley
